Web Development Frameworks that trending in 2018

However, the prime innovations and vital endeavours behind an extraordinary improvement are not so much vital for the end clients but rather are the chief viewpoints from the points of view of a specialized person. Creating admirably working, adaptable and powerful web applications require the designers to be refreshed and rehearsed with innovation patterns, most recent and unmistakable system and market contenders also.

Regardless of whether you are an association or a designer, your web advancement must be upheld with best and most recent structures in order to outfit the execution procedure and meet the task due dates. It is very hard to perceive which system will have the best pattern in future to coordinate your improvement arrangements with showcase contenders; this trouble can be comprehended by seeing a portion of the prominent web created structures which will massively incline in 2018.

Here we are presenting 6 significant web improvement structures in 2018 and will be exceedingly acclaimed.


Data Streaming

This feature can be used in a better way for simultaneous task execution like file processing at the time of uploading.

Proxy Server

Node.js supports server-side proxy to handle the huge simultaneous connections in an asynchronous manner

Fast Code Execution

Node.js operates at high speed and executes the code with speed since it is built on Google V8 engine and written in JavaScript which is implemented in native machine code.


  • Lack of Robust Libraries
  • Unstable Application Programming Interface
  • Asynchronous Programming Model
  • Not Suitable for Large and Complex Web Applications


You can utilize this open source platform consisting MVC architecture especially for developing single-page web apps and mobile applications. It combines dependency injection, declarative templates, and an end to end tooling.

Angular is an entirely new framework and an evolution of Angular.JS framework. Angular.js Development Service has already proven its capability with effective applications.

Feature and Benefits:

Speed and Performance

Angular gives you maximum possible speed for the web application on the web platform. It helps you to meet large data requirements by creating data models on RxJS library, immutable.js or another push-model.

Incredible Tooling

Angular consist of simple and declarative templates which help you building quick features. Further, you can utilize own and existing components to extend the template language.


  • It doesn’t provide backward compatibility to Angular 1.x
  • Understanding of Typescript is a major entry barrier
  • Fewer SEO-friendly as compare to other technologies
  • It is complicated and difficult due to its multiple way solutions


It’s the best framework for making large web applications that utilize data and changes over time without page reloading. This can be used along with Javascript libraries and Angular.js. Nowadays the developers are making a choice to create React native apps since they can be developed speedily and are more scalable.

Feature and Benefits:

Virtual DOM

Unlike other frameworks, React uses the abstract copy of the real DOM called as virtual DOM. Without affecting the other parts it updates all the changes made by the user. This feature gives better user experience and gear ups developer’s work speed.

Server-side Rendering

React increases the page loading speed by avoiding the waiting for complete JavaScript code execution this is possible due its pre-render ability for the initial states of server components.


You can use XML/HTML syntax within React JSX with the JavaScript syntax extension called JSX. The JSX can be useful for code optimization, quicker template creation, and type safety.


  • React fails to support the Internet Explorer browsers below version 8.
  • React does not have a complete MVC solution, which is required to add the code to other libraries and frameworks.
  • It is quite difficult to move the complex Photoshop or any other sketch to JSX file.


Vue is an open source JavaScript framework used for building User Interfaces. It consists of View Model layer of MVVM pattern and allows two-way data binding by linking a model and a view.

Feature and Benefits

Simple Integration

Vue.js is useful for creating single page applications and contributing components into existing apps.


Vue.js can handle more sophisticated apps with ES6, JSX, routing, and bundling. You can create a quick app which will run straight from the browser using Vue.js.

Two-way communication

Vue.js is very responsive and facilitates the HTML blocks handling. One-way flows can be easily implemented, which is important when working with different components through Vue.js.


  • A closed community development
  • Language Barrier
  • Being too flexible can be problematic


Meteor is an open source and free JavaScript full-stack framework for developing real-time web applications. It produces cross-platform code by rapid prototyping. Meteor is integrated with MongoDB along with distributed data protocol and subscribe pattern for automatic data change propagation to clients.

Feature and Benefits

Single Language

The frontend, backend, and database are all rolled into JavaScript which simplifies the development process.

Smart Packages

Meteor allows you to increase users by account systems which are highly simplified and also provides a smart package for other things such as creating Coffee Script apps.

Easy To Learn


  • The SQL support is not up to the mark
  • There is no formal testing framework it keeps varying
  • It is all new in the scope of web development and hence has some kind of immature environment


Laravel is a great MVC PHP system and one of the main backend advancements. The greater part of the designers lean toward Laravel improvement for making best in class web applications.

Numerous Laravel improvement Companies depicted the Laravel system as probably sponsored innovation. Aside from its free and open source use, it has unmistakable and profitable highlights making it more pertinent.

Features and Benefits:

Database Access and Migration

This Laravel feature gives a platform-independent approach to ease design and modification of the database. The Active Record implementation of Laravel named as Eloquent allows creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting the database records without writing SQL queries.

Template Engine

Another major advantage of Laravel is a Blade template engine which is powerful and allows you to use plain PHP code in your views. Blade reduces the overheads in your application up to large extent since all the blade views are compiled into plain PHP code.


This is Laravel’s built-in tool for command line driven by powerful Symfony Console component. It provides a range of useful commands for application development.


  • New developers find it difficult while executing its codes and classes.
  • As compare to other platforms the community support is low
  • Complex methods for reverse routing

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