News & Technology Update

Mobile optimised web

What is Mobile Optimized Web?

What is Mobile Optimized Web? Small companies and individuals must create a strong online presence in this fast-changing digital age, given the growing frequency of cellphones and other portable technologies. Websites must be mobile-friendly and quickly accessible. This is when Mobile-Optimized Web Services in Dubai become relevant. This book covers all the essentials of mobile […]

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Magento SEO

Tips for Magento SEO Optimisation

Tips for Magento SEO Optimisation If you use the Magento content management system (CMS), you might have concerns about enhancing the SEO of your e-commerce website. Using the SEO tools provided by Magento is one option. But there are other extra strategies available to enhance your website’s ranking. If a business in Dubai needs Magento […]

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Google Tightening Search Results Policies: Know More

Google Tightening Search Results Policies: Know More Google is trying to get rid of spammy and copied content from search results and make them better. This change will cut down on material suggestions that aren’t helpful by up to 40%. The whole story is here. It is a big change from Google. The search engine […]

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modern marketing

Modern Marketing Techniques Using Visual Content

Modern Marketing Techniques Using Visual Content Images may say things that words can’t and can captivate our attention in an instant. Visual elements that grab the eye—such as images, movies, and graphics—have been crucial in Modern marketing. Social media and visual content development have helped companies connect with customers and reach more people. Let’s discuss […]

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Content Management Systems and their SEO-friendliness

5 Content Management Systems and their SEO-friendliness

5 Content Management Systems and their SEO-friendliness We have seen the performance of numerous CMSs. Finding out if SEO helps is also essential. Many young people in the UAE are being driven to work in technology due to the fast-paced nature of daily living. There is a growing trend in search engine optimization, digital marketing, […]

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Content Management System

Which content management system is best for SEO?

Which content management system is best for SEO? Just think about the various methods to choose the right content management system. We have to check many parameters to understand, and one is to check if CMS is SEO-friendly. We need to know that not all them support it; there might be a few issues with […]

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Boost Your Business This Ramzan With Safcodes

Boost Your Business this Ramzan with Safcodes: Get Professional Website Design at AED1699

Boost Your Business this Ramzan with Safcodes: Get Professional Website Design at AED1699 As the market in the UAE is growing at a faster rate, people are often opting for an online website to grab more customer attention. One needs to understand that to have a successful business, one needs a professionally designed website with […]

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How social media marketing is changing in Dubai and how Google Ads works there

How social media marketing is changing in Dubai and how Google Ads works there

How social media marketing is changing in Dubai and how Google Ads works there Social Media Marketing Power in Dubai: We use social media all the time now that we live in a digital world. To meet, share, and interact with each other, people from all over the world use sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, […]

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How advertising on Facebook works in the Dubai market

How advertising on Facebook works in the Dubai market

How advertising on Facebook works in the Dubai market Nowadays, companies worldwide use social media sites as helpful business tools. For businesses in Dubai, where the economy is growing, Facebook ads services in Dubai are now essential to social media marketing. Because it has so many users and advanced tracking tools, Facebook Ads is a […]

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Facebook V/S Google Ads: How to Choose the Suitable Medium for Business

Facebook V/S Google Ads: How to Choose the Suitable Medium for Business

Facebook V/S Google Ads: How to Choose the Suitable Medium for Business Digital ads like Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the two biggest ones. Based on rough numbers, these two sites got 60% of all the ads seen in the world. Both are very accurate at addressing people and show ads that people like […]

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